
jangan macam paham..

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sahmekom, kepada seorang KENALAN..
(bukan KAWAN sebab kite tak anggap awak sebagai KAWAN)

Tolonglah jangan macam paham pasal kite sebab kite tak pernah masuk campur hal hidup awak. Lagipun kite dah 2 tahun tak contact each aler, jadi kenape awak bual pasal kite macam awak hari2 update pasal hidup kite? And awak kepo2 nak bilang orang pasal kisah silam kite tu apasal? Awak kenal kite dengan rapat ke? Awak tahu ke apa isi hati kite? Susah senang kite apa awk tahu? Kite bukan apa, kite tahu ah kiter popular.. hehe. Tapi awak nak bual pasal kite dengan blood sister kite?

Senang kata kite makin venci lah dengan awak ni. Dulu memang benci sekarang lebih benci.

Awak.. kite nak mintak favour boleh?


P.S : Dan sememangnye kite pangkah teman2 dari kaum awak ni. GELAP ah masa depan.. (pun intended..)

Yang benar,

Image hosting by Photobucket "Colours come from the refraction of light. But how is there possible for colour, when there is no light?"
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This blog might contain offensive or hate-inducing materials, but I am open to any form of comments, be it constructive or even destructive, but please ensure that they are free from even a single grammatical error as I am anal like that. Thank you.