
WRONG side of the bed.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

8 Signs to know that your day had been HORRIBLE :

1. You woke up late for work (tell me something new -_-) BUT only to realise that you are locked IN the house because your sibling accidentally brought your house keys to school and there's NO ONE at home and there's no spare key anywhere in the house.

2. You forgot to insert your cashcard in your IU unit and you went through TWO freaking ERP gantries. :(

3. You reached work late and the penalty is to sing your country's NATIONAL ANTHEM to everyone in the office (including the Regional Manager and Director -_-).

4. Your cup noodles which you bought for lunch accidentally spilled onto your bike..

5. ..followed by a cup of Coke spilled onto your corduroy pants.

6. You got yourself into a stupid silly accident and amazingly you were perfectly alright however your bike is BADLY scratched and the cost of repair would cost about $300.

7. You reached home finally for some peace but your stupid neighbour was having some very NOISY renovation works going on.

8. You were suddenly attacked with SEVERE migraine which got you vomiting and shitting non stop and your head hurts as hell.

And I thought 8 was a lucky number?

Give me painkillers. NOW.

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This blog might contain offensive or hate-inducing materials, but I am open to any form of comments, be it constructive or even destructive, but please ensure that they are free from even a single grammatical error as I am anal like that. Thank you.